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mardi 10 mai 2011

PWWSD denounces the Murder of Aya Barath'eye

The Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development strongly condemns all murders based on what is known as the "Honor Killing", including the murder of the 21-year old Aya Barath'eye in Surif, Hebron. Aya Barath'eye was murdered by her uncle and his three friends in April 20 2011, after being kidnapped on her way to college, tied up and dumped in a deserted well near the Separation Wall in town.
The Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development demands that the murderers be severely punished and put to justice for their crime, so as to set an example for all those who think of committing murder based on family's honor. Therefore, the organization urges the decision and policy makers to amend the laws applicable for these issues, which give immunity to the murderers, through the implementation of lenient sentences against them.
The organization assures that the murderers usually take advantage of these laws to escape their crimes, claiming that they have committed the killing to save the family's honor, while the intentions are completely different. Hence, the organization calls upon the responsible authorities to implement a deterrent penal code, and to consider "honor killing" murders as intentional crimes, in order to eradicate this form of discrimination against women. In addition, the organization demands the authorities to develop a Palestinian penalties code based on gender equality to protect women from the blatant violations of their basic rights.

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