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mercredi 6 avril 2011

Pro-Palestinian Belgian Group in Senjel

A group of young Belgian activists has visited our office in Ramallah on April 6 2011. The general director of the organization Mrs. Amal Khreishe welcomed the group in Al-Zewade Restaurant, and introduced them to the programs and roles of the Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development in the Palestinian society, regional and international communities. Mrs. Amal Khreishe expressed her deep gratitude for the group's support and solidarity, saying that these gestures nourish our humanity beyond the geographical and lingual borders. 

The group of 12 activists arrived in Palestine a week ago, visited the cities of Bethlehem, Jericho, Jerusalem and Hebron, stopped at Ramallah before they took off to Nablus, Nazareth and the occupied Golan Heights. They all share a sincere commitment to the Palestinian Cause as they assured to embrace every detail of our story and carry it with them back home. 

Arriving in Senjel, the group met with representatives of the Women's Cooperative in town, and had a Palestinian traditional Lunch, "Mansaf". Afterwards, they visited the embroidery exhibition, one of the cooperative's long-term projects, and the soap factory. Accompanied by Saba Nader and Ne'meh Assaf, the group headed towards the confiscated farmlands of Senjel, and was warmly hosted by Ms. Ne'meh Shabaneh for a cup of tea at her house which is isolated, and threatened by the settlers of the near settlement. Around 13:00 pm, their bus drove up north, to Nablus, Nazareth and the Golan, in a brave attempt to try to fill the pieces of the puzzle, and perhaps reunite the memories, the hope, and the country which is torn apart with an enormous wall and hundreds of checkpoints.

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