Rebhi Hamadeh from Al-Bireh and Ramallah Judiciary Court, and PWWSD’s civic
educator Naela Oudeh and lawyer Fadwa Thweib conducted two workshops on women’s
right to inheritance in Kufur Ein and Mazare Noubani in Ramallah.
workshops were hosted by Kufur Ein’s Feminist Center and Rural Women’s Center
of Mazare Noubani. Tens of men and women attended these workshops that come
under the Inheritance Denied project, which is being implemented by the PWWSD,
in cooperation with the Danish Church Aid (DCA) and the YMCA and the Women’s
Affairs’ Center in Gaza, and is funded by the EU.
Odeh emphasized the need to give women their right to inheritance. She talked
about PWWSD’s efforts on this issue, attempting to alter the negative
stereotypical images of women.
Houssan’s Feminist Center, civic educators Wejdan AlAzzeh and Rula Shwieki held
two meetings on marital relationships, and safe sex between spouses, and the
effects on children. The meetings also tackled issues like citizenship, and
elections. Shweiki listened to women’s interventions, which emphasized healthy
and safe intercourses, and the positive effects this will leave on the family.
AlAzzeh talked about citizenship and elections and the important role of women
as voters and candidates.
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